I'm happy to announce that the Chicago Pastel Painters have bestowed the Blick Art Materials/Heilman Designs/F&W Pastel Journal Award to my pastel painting, "Ski Tracks!" Ellen Eagle, Judge of Awards, made this selection at the Chicago Pastel Painters' Sixth Biennial National Open Exhibition, Pastels Chicago.
The exhibit continues through December 3rd, at the Mayslake Peabody Estate, 1717 West 31st Street, Oak Brook, Illinois, 60523.

Ski Tracks was inspired by the ONE good day of cross-country skiing last year in Southeast Michigan. My yearning for some quality ski time was reinforced well into the Spring as I painted Ski Tracks! Hoping for a snowy season!
My work was recently curated into Zatista, the Online Art Gallery for original work. Click here to visit my page.