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Bob Palmerton

Bob Palmerton
Jun 26, 20181 min read
Pastel Painting: "Landing Zone"
Here is the completed painting of the Crane Creek Estuary scene at Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge. You can see the earlier...
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Bob Palmerton
Jun 24, 20182 min read
StudioSense: Stepping through the Jetty Painting
Hopefully soon I will do a time lapse video of a painting from start to finish. Since I haven't yet tackled that technology, I thought I...
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Bob Palmerton
Jun 19, 20182 min read
StudioSense: Orange to Blue to "Green"
Earlier this month I posted this blog in which I chose among my collection of blues to complete an underpainting all in blue. Here was...
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Bob Palmerton
Jun 5, 20182 min read
Pastel Technique: Monday Morning Blues
I recently re-arranged my pastel palette, which revealed an abundance of blues. So I thought I would take advantage of such a variety...
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Bob Palmerton
May 11, 20181 min read
Pastel Painting: Pondering Spring
It seems that with a few days of temperatures in the low 70's, that foliage bursts furiously in Southeast Michigan. This pond and field...
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Bob Palmerton
May 7, 20181 min read
StudioSense: Pastel & Watercolor Underpainting
Spring has finally arrived in Southeast Michigan. Touring a local nature preserve with my dog Cosmo, I came across this scene, replete...
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Bob Palmerton
Apr 26, 20183 min read
Pastel Painting: Woodland Waltz
If my regular blog followers have recognized that my blogging has become rather sparse, I blame it on this painting, "Woodland Waltz." It...
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Bob Palmerton
Mar 24, 20183 min read
StudioSense: Seeing the Lake through the Trees
Hiking in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan last November, I cam across this varied collection of trees: Since the photo above is rather...
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Bob Palmerton
Feb 19, 20182 min read
StudioSense: "Snow Blue and the Seven Dwarfs?"
Last year I published this blog addressing how snow can exude a variety of colors, mostly of blues, purples and cool pinks. As I...
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Bob Palmerton
Feb 3, 20182 min read
StudioSense - The Balancing Act
Compositions can be enhanced through a variety of techniques. I like to think abut composition from two perspectives: first, the...
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Bob Palmerton
Jan 14, 20182 min read
Painting Technique: Capturing the Glow of Winter
Rolling Hills County Park in Ypsilanti, Michigan maintains 3 miles of groomed cross-country skiing trails. I've enjoyed skiing and...
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Bob Palmerton
Nov 13, 20171 min read
Gallery Update - Bob Palmerton Pastels
I am pleased to announce that my work has been accepted by the online art gallery Zatista. Zatista bills itself as "the leading online...
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Bob Palmerton
Oct 22, 20171 min read
Morning at Point Pelee Marsh - Pastel Painting
Looking forward to an Autumn trip to Point Pelee National Park in Ontario, here's another version of the Labor Day weekend trip to the...
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Bob Palmerton
Aug 17, 20171 min read
Pastel Painting: Breezy Point Dunes
Sunny day at Breezy Point, New York. Soft pastel on sanded paper; 8x10. See the previous post on the acrylic underpainting....
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Bob Palmerton
Aug 14, 20171 min read
Pastel Technique: High Values at the Beach
A beach and its dunes on a sunny day convey the highest values (aka lightness) in color. I chose an acrylic underpainting to bring out...
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Bob Palmerton
Aug 13, 20171 min read
Plein Air at the Beach
Here's a quick underpainting done with a bristle brush, pastel and alcohol. Got the basic values and colors of this beach scene at...
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Bob Palmerton
Aug 6, 20171 min read
Pastel Technique: Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Working on the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, a breathtaking vista from photos my world traveler daughter Sara took last year. Here's...
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Bob Palmerton
Jul 30, 20171 min read
Pastel Technique: Acrylic Underpainting
I thought I would spice up my underpainting techniques to do paint this landscape of a field at Matthaei Botanical Gardens in Ann Arbor....
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Bob Palmerton
May 22, 20172 min read
Painting Technique: Composition
Working on the Teton painting. Here is the initial version following creation of the underpainting and initial application of pastel: In...
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Bob Palmerton
May 20, 20172 min read
Pastel Technique - Watercolor Underpainting
Here's the latest version of "Ski Tracks." The composition is established to invite the viewer to follow the tracks toward the horizon....
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